Dystopian Women: Authors from Indie Presses TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022 AT 6 PM – 8 PM on Zoom

The world has caught up with Eco-Feminist authors, from repressive laws to climate catastrophe.

Dystopian Women: Authors from Indie Presses - On Zoom!These authors are active, creative witnesses - the rest is down to their readers.
Come along as writers struggle not to say “We told you so!” but for us all to discuss realistic solutions to what is truly looming in our future. This hybrid event permits a range of authors and participants to join in discussion, punctuated by short readings.
Part of York International Women's Week 2022: more info here: https://yorkinternationalwomensweek.wordpress.com/yiww-2022-programme/
Please contact Rose Drew for Zoom code on yorkspokenword@yahoo.com
Kenzie Millar: Girl, Lost (Fly on the Wall Press)
Susie Williamson: Return of the Mantra, The Warder (Stairwell)
Eliza Mood: O Man of Clay (Stairwell)
Pauline Kirk: Border 7, The Keepers (Stairwell)