Alice Tomlinson

A Graduate of the University of York St. John, Alice Tomlinson has gone on to be published in Dream Catcher and Algebra of Owls; and has been commended by the York Literature Festival and Poetry London competitions. Alice regularly performs in York and London. With her partner Matt, she has two young children.

Alice views life coolly, at arm’s length, as she skewers cruelty with a surgeon’s skill. Her poems range from the mundanity of dating to the frights of cancer.

Alice also supported Stairwell novelist Claire Patel-Campbell at a packed launch of Abernathy at New School House Gallery, an event attended by no less than 7 new-born babies, and some 50 full-sized folks.

Alice's research includes the the early to mid-Twentieth Century practice of Twilight Birth and the long term impact is has had on both the mothers and their children.
