In a distant future where technology and fantasy intertwine, Mycul Zas, an idealistic young man cheated of his inheritance by his uncle, is thrust into a perilous world of betrayal, prophecy, and genetically engineered monsters.
‘Sent’ by his uncle to ‘see the world’ and find his missing father, Mycul soon discovers the depth of his betrayal when he is sold to a geneticist. Here he meets the mordonts, human monsters engineered millennia ago to be great warriors. With their help he escapes and vows revenge, not just for himself, but for his father, the mordonts, and against the oppressors that let this happen.
Torn between fate, loyalty, equivocal prophesies and the enmity of the Protector, he teams up with a one-handed assassin, an exiled prince, a scientist with a murky past, a drunken giant, and a necromancer’s daughter. Together they strive to overthrow a tyrannical regime and destroy the restraints of destiny itself.