Killers for hire are usually shy. Advertising and PR tends to bring them the wrong kind of attention, so they rely on trusted intermediaries to bring them new business.
Tom Masson is one of these, a go-to guy, that trusted intermediary between those who need less than legal services and the specialists who are only too happy to carry them out.
Suzanne Croft is just such a client with the ambition to become a widow.
Liam Divorty, an Islington used car dealer, ekes out his income as a killer for hire. Though he’s good, there’s not enough demand to take up the profession full time.
When Liam arrives at the home of the intended victim, he discovers him inconveniently dead, with the police quickly on the scene.
With Divorty banged-up in jail and his powerful friends out for revenge, Masson must find answers to a lot of questions, and fast.