Blue Saxophone


Blue Saxophone encompasses lost childhood, longing, love, sickness, healing, spirituality, social conflict and travel. My love of nature, art, music, social justice and sense of place comes out in many of the poems. The writing is elemental and sensory, inspired by personal experience,


These poems navigate a human life and cross the Earth, touching on love, loss of love, warzones, motherhood, art, nature, ageing, forgiveness: images both tender and sharp, and grounded in the everyday:

Smallbluemobilephone rings its dinky tune.
But it never rings. Where is it? Who can it be?
I scrabble in the bottom of my bag,
I fumble with the somany buttons

Dazzling sunny days, hot desert sands, the cool damp of ancient churches, a sterile hospital ward, and overstuffed handbags come together in Blue Saxophone.

“I find these poems impressive and searching, elegant and thought-provoking.”
Paul Sutherland (founder Dream Catcher, poet)

Because poetry is an artifact and shapes itself to something more than mere reference or reportage, the pain and suffering, both global and personal, in Rosemary Palmeira’s work often leads through to a sense of reconciliation, even a kind of forgiveness. The poems are coloured and perfumed; they glow and glitter, but they are disturbing. Don’t expect them to be easy.
Nigel Forde (poet, actor, presenter BBC’s Bookshelf)


Rosemary is my creative soulmate so I ‘know’ many of these poems. Seeing them objectively with my ears and hearing the voice of them again with my eyes I am reminded of the facets which are the rich ruby of Rosemary. She is the mistress of colour description in all its joyful subtle range. She is a traveller who connects with the story and essence of place. She is an artist who has a personal encounter with the works of fellow artists. She ascends to heavenly realms effortlessly yet expresses the pain and reality of earthly aching love and loss and the hunger of losing her father as a child, deeply and perceptively like an open wound. Reader, your senses will be overwhelmed as you are immersed in the life of Rosemary, and you will emerge dripping with imagery after the experience. Rosemary inhabits her poems. And an encounter with her is never ordinary.
DEIRDRE MCGARRY (Author Lonely Destiny (Valley Press), co-editor Small Candles (Amnesty), Rainbow Jesus, People’s Psalms, Causeway (Arrowriver), Art/Prose Exhibition Brendan’s Voyage, creative writing facilitator.)