Return of the Mantra wins Firebird Award

Susie Williamson was presented with the July Firebird Book Award for her fantasy Novel Return of the Mantra. These awards, published every quarter, honour books in a variety of classifications. Susie won the LGBT Fiction for Young Adults award.

In Return of the Mantra, Suni, who has been brought up in the way of the Mantra and eventually hounded out of her home by followers of the ‘new’ religion, sets off to find her father. She adopts the persona of a boy to smuggle herself into the crystal mines, the source of the new regime’s power. From there she escapes to begin a journey restore the power of the Mantra.

Return of the Mantra is the first of the exciting Blood Gift Chronicles and is available from the publisher as is the second book in the series The Warder. Susie is now engaged on the third book in this series.